Friday, February 22, 2013

Readers Comments:
Frequently, I receive emails from people who read my columns. Now, that I have decided to continue writing a column under the byline of "Across the Pond" for Gulf Pine Catholic," it is nice to knowo that some folks enjoy my musings.
Included is the following email: Thank you so much for what you do in editing the Gulf Pine Catholic. I'm sure you have received MANY comments, suggestions, etc. about Father Tracey's column, with his move back home to Ireland. Please indulge me to add my 2 cents worth.

A fellow parishioner/ co-worker and I both always said we read Fr. Mike's columns first. Any chance of his starting his column back up after he gets resettled as parish priest, etc. back in his home parish? It would be FASCINATING for him to simply share with us his impressions/daily experiences in returning home after 35 years in Mississippi. The faithful of our rural diocese could travel to rural Ireland through Fr. Tracey's experience and unique writing style, without ever leaving home. ("99%" of us will never travel to Ireland; "90%" will never make it to GB or mainland Europe.)

If this is not going to happen, please find someone in the diocese to replace Fr. Mike on page 5 with a down-to-earth, every-day-life column written from anywhere in the diocese. Whether priest, deacon, religious, layman, etc., just something in a similar vein. A good percentage of folks in SE Miss. can relate to and enjoy these types of musings. Everyday, ordinary life experiences penned by a talented communicator. That's all you need. Ha! Easier said than done, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second that!