Thursday, January 10, 2008

The problem with change

W.H. Auden once wrote, "We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the moment and let our illusions die."
We are creatures of habit. We are comfortable with routine. Routine is predictable while chaos may not. It seems life always brings us to crossroads where we may be challenged to journey on a road less traveled.
I wonder what would happen to us if we changed some of our early morning rituals. How would it affect the rest of our day? Would we feel that we had missed something along the way? Any thoughts!


Poppyart said...

the problem with change is that it's all about perspective, and we never really discuss how important perspective really is as to how we view everything. . .

Just a thought. Also, just wanted to say "hello" to you! :)
(rebecca roberts/st.thomas/h'burg)

Anonymous said...

Okay, bear with my while I get into the routine of blogging, something new to me.
As I mentioned in my 1st blog, I plan to resume workouts at a local gym, and the ONLY time I have to do that nowadays is in the EARLY morning, so that will definitely change my routine. But that DISCIPLINE will be good, right? As it is now, I'm usually in bed by 10PM; now, I guess I'll have to be in bed by 9PM, right?
I might also mention that insomnia has ruined many a good intention of early morning workouts. If I wake up at 2AM and can't go back to sleep til 5AM, who WANTS to workout on THAT little sleep, right!?