Monday, June 24, 2013

A Last phone call

He was just 23 years old and had his whole life ahead of him. He made his last phone call to his mother - her only son. His message was clear cut. He was doing it. he said goodbye and he did it.
Hundreds came to his home all day Sunday to sympathize with his parents. Hundreds more gathered today in the church where he served Mass as a teenager to say their own silent "goodbyes." Words failed everyone. People's presence tried to fill the vacuum for the family. Songs were sung that tried to be uplifting but nothing could cure the pain etched on his parents faces and that of his sister. A life ended. A light snuffed out. A great chasm left in its place.
(more later in one  of my columns for "Gulf Pine Catholic" newspaper)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mass among the dead

Today, I had the privilege of celebrating Mass in our local cemetery, among our deceased loved ones. A great crowd gathered to remember, to pause, to pray, to give thanks, to celebrate lives well-lived and rewarded. Even among the dead, the sounds of nature resounded, reminding us of the ongoing cycle of birth and death, or life constantly changed and renewed.
Watching loved ones stand by the graves of family and friends as we approached to bless their loved ones graves, I could not help but think of all the thoughts that went through their minds. Gone, but not forgotten, formed and shaped by those gone before as they shape those yet to come. The cycle continues. Words are inadequate; example is powerful; remembrance is necessary; gratefulness is expected. Life is a mystery to be continued.